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Welcome to 'I'm a white piece of paper, you wanna dance with me?', the only fanlisting listed at The Fanlistings.org for writer/producer Aaron Sorkin. Mr. Sorkin created the hit TV shows The West Wing and Sports Night, and was also the screen writer of The American President, Malice and A Few Good Men.

The aim of a fanlisting is to create a list of all the fans of a particular subject; with this site, Aaron Sorkin fans. Please look around the fanlisting and if you're a Sorkin fan, please consider adding your name to the fan list!

Fanlisting stats
The Aaron Sorkin fanlisting was last updated on 02nd August 2024. There are 51 fans listed, with 0 waiting to be added and the newest member is Crys. The Aaron Sorkin fanlisting was created on 8th January 2005 and uses the Enthusiast script.

 Allison Janney  C J Cregg  John Spencer  The West Wing  Wes Anderson 
Please email me if you have an Aaron Sorkin related fanlisting/site and would like to affiliate :)